17 de set. de 2007


josé sócrates encontrou-se hoje com george bush na sala oval da casa branca. durante uma (1!!) hora falaram sobre o afeganistão, o médio oriente e o kosovo. estou mesmo a ver a conversa tipo:

js - "we are very worried about the afegan question, blá, blá, blá...."

jb - "yes, of course, it's a question that blá, blá blá...oh! it as already passed twenty minutes, we need to pass to the next matter."

js - "the midle east it's something that affects all countries in europe because...blá, blá, blá...."

jb - "naturaly the us are very commited with the eu because, as you surelly know, we are we rules of the world an so....blá, blá blá...oh! it as already passed another twenty minutes, we need to pass to the next matter."

js - "about kosovo we think that..."

jb - " oh christ! for the love of god! kovoso is a middle east country and we have already discussed that point...! now if you excuse me, i have to that my dog for a walk. he need to do is morning piss..."


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